Cutwork, Cortex Shelter Logo.png

refugee shelter.


Status: Under Development
Client: Cortex Composites USA
Scope: Architecture Design
Location: Worldwide
Size: 24 m2

Cortex technology is a rollable concrete fabric that hardens in place when hydrated. We developed the first architectural application of the material: The Cortex Shelter, a flat-pack, “just-add-water” housing solution that can be built in a single day and last up to 30 years.

Cutwork, Cortex Shelter, Floor Plans GIF.gif
Cutwork, Cortex Shelter, Assembly and Urban Structures.gif
Cutwork, Camps to Incremental Cities, Urban Evolution GIF.gif

Incremental growth – from camps into cities.

It is critical not only to consider camps as long-term settlements, but as foundations to build future cities. The project of a new city is to become a place where people want to stay, not leave.

We are developing an incremental urban growth system where “Flag” buildings act as magnets towards which the city expands.

These key buildings are affordable bare shell prototypes — construction references for the next generation of housing development.

Full case study coming soon.


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