One A4,
One Topic
From the perspectives of designers, inventors, sociologists, architects, and ecologists.
Unfold is a pocket-size, one-page magazine full of ideas for today’s living.
Print at Home,
Read Anywhere
After the Family
Could new definitions of the family help address inequalities in the next urban era? Today's family structures could redefine our relationships to home, ownership, and inheritance.
Confronting Nature
What is our everyday relationship with what we call nature? Nature is a big abstraction that we all feel collectively familiar with, yet rarely stop to interrogate.
Liquid Territory
Can we realistically expect cities to accommodate an influx of 3 billion people in the next 30 years? Cities are reaching their breaking point, and the answer is no longer a resounding ‘yes’. But what are our alternatives?
Towards Today's Habitat
New ways to live and work: how can we reinvent and expand the possibilities of habitation today? In this first edition of Unfold, we explore key projects defining this emerging movement.
Additional Unfold Media
Community Frameworks
Explore our new landmark guide on best practices, current insights, and the proven processes to build magnetic, thriving communities.
Confronting Nature (video)
What is nature’s role in tomorrow’s habitat? Today, we face a crisis of attention towards non-human living beings. In this video, we confront misconceptions and transactional thinking towards nature and how to reframe these perspectives.
Shared Living 2021 and Beyond
Winners, losers, and how the pandemic is changing the game: how will coliving operators, investors, and the market deal with bankruptcy amid the COVID-crises?
Shared Living Design
What have the last few years of pilot spaces, new typologies, and different models taught us about shared living design, and how should we understand design's role in shared environments today?
Window Birds
An invitation to re-open our senses in city habitats, Window Birds is an intro guide to bird watching – 55 different birds one can see just looking from a window during confinement.
Unfold Sessions: Habitats 2020
For our first ever Unfold Session, we invited the founders of EFFEKT, TC Plus, and MAPA to gather online and discuss: What is today's habitat? The full discussion is now online.
Print & Fold Instructions
Want to print the one-page magazine from home? Follow these few simple steps.

1 — Print
After downloading an issue (links above), print at 100% scale, centred on an A4 page. For printers that cannot print full-page, print at your printer’s maximum printable area +1 percent.

2 — Half fold
Viewing the front page, fold the issue in half.

3 — Quarter "M" fold
Next, fold back the top half of the page into a quarter, revealing ‘Unfold’ on the front-page. Mirror this fold on the bottom half to complete an accordion or “M” fold.

4 — Title fold
Viewing the issue’s introduction, fold the page in half through the “Unfold” title.

5 — Read anywhere
The issue of Unfold should fit right in your pocket, ready to read anywhere.